Dcimap for far-reaching advantages

Software features

Our software maps all resources, dependencies and real-time capacities of your data center at the push of a button and gives you Insight into how you can or can optimize the cooling performance. which licenses are in use where.


Central administration of IPv4 and IPv6 allows you to retain control of addresses, passwords and the assignment of different roles.


Whether hardware or software,
precisely located with one click and stored with all the necessary data. So you can do an audit at any time. So you can do an audit at any time.

DIN EN50600​

Continuous calculation of PUE and DCiE shows the details in a histogram and also provides information about the affected servers, network components, storage systems, etc.

More features

Commercial manager


IP and password management

Central administration of IPv4 and IPv6 allows you to retain control of addresses, passwords and the assignment of different roles.

Plannable growth

Real-time data transmission allows you to optimally plan your power and cooling performance and counteract possible capacity bottlenecks. Your data center becomes scalable because all data, including resource consumption, is available to you at any time at the push of a button.

power management

Reporting enables trending of power consumption in the data center.


Before moving or consolidating a data center, the system informs you whether the destination location can meet the resource requirements of the affected devices.


The detailed recording of changes made can be used to minimize rework and, if above average, possible gaps in the training of the employees concerned can be identified and eliminated at an early stage.

30% less risk of failure & 60% instant issue resolution

Monitoring and measurement of threshold values enables early detection of possible risks, which can be counteracted in good time and at the right place.


The true-to-scale depiction of the data center with all of its components reduces the need for an on-site presence. Dadurch reduzieren sich Reinigungshäufigkeit, Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitsschwankung bei gleichzeitiger Erhöhung der Sicherheit im Rechenzentrum.

Lower energy costs

By accurately measuring power consumption and heat dissipation, you can optimize power and cooling resources and thereby avoid unnecessary high expenditure. You can also reduce your costs by optimally placing the hardware. Schon +/- 1° C Kühlleistung kosten Sie 4 % mehr Strom.

cost center assignment

To support the cost truth, the respective share per department or Customer precisely determined and assigned to the user.

asset management

Whether hardware or software, precisely located with one click and stored with all the necessary data. So you can do an audit at any time.

Change management possible without risk

Our tool shows you the dependency of different devices. This ensures easy and flawless management of moves, adds or changes. Errors caused by manual data transfer are prevented.

Energy Efficiency Act (EEffG)

Continuously calculate and display Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) and Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency (DCiE) in a histogram showing carbon footprint.

capacity planning

The forecasting functions can be used to determine early on when resources such as space, power and cooling in the data center will be exhausted.

time saving & work facilitation

By bundling all data, you and your employees have all information at hand at all times. The app allows you to access the information you need from anywhere. This allows you to quickly locate your devices without having to search for them for a long time.

Reliable reports

Customizable reports ensure internal and external reporting requirements are met. Once entered, the solution provides you with the data, automatically registers changes and delivers measured values in real time. Einem Softwarelizenz-Audit können Sie mit einem Klick gelassen entgegensehen.

investment and running costs

Whether purchasing or renting the software license, you decide how to use our solution.


Individually prepared Excel and Visio documentation can be replaced by central documentation. Users are given the necessary authorization, with each access being documented and, last but not least, ensuring security for the planning.
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More features

Technical manager



The true-to-scale depiction of your data center with all the components it contains makes it easier to find devices or cable runs quickly.

Automated data retrieval

Required details of the existing or new devices to be installed (space requirements, power consumption, heat output, etc.) can be called up with just one click, which minimizes the time spent on annoying documentation work.

error prevention

Changes or new installations will be checked and, if necessary, rejected if the capacity of a rack does not allow this. The remaining capacity after installation is automatically adjusted based on the new data.


Before moving or consolidating a data center, the system automatically notifies you whether the destination location can meet the resource requirements of the affected devices.


Real-time data transmission means that both the power supply and the cooling capacity are monitored and secured around the clock. A warning/alarm is given when a threshold is reached or exceeded.

power management

For the power consumption of the individual devices, either the actually measured value or the one on the type plate is used. This identifies devices or racks with the highest power consumption.

Efficient troubleshooting

By pinpointing the root cause of a problem and providing a graphical representation of your data center, you can more quickly determine device location and find devices or cable connections without having to search for them in the field.

EN 50600

Continuous calculation of PUE and DCiE shows the details in a histogram and also provides information about the affected servers, network components, storage systems, etc.

Reliable reports

Customizable reports ensure internal and external reporting requirements are met. Once entered, the software provides you with the data, automatically registers changes and delivers measured values in real time. This also gives you an overview of which maintenance contracts are about to expire.

Risk-free change management

Our tool shows you the dependency of different devices. This ensures simple and error-free management of moves, extensions or changes. Errors caused by manual data transmission are no longer possible.

30% less risk of failure & 60% instant issue resolution

Through targeted monitoring and measurement of threshold values, you can identify possible risks at an early stage, counteract them and intervene in the right places.

cable management

Documentation of the network cabling from the port to the patch panel to the device. Tracing power wiring from the source, the public Utility or generator to power strip.

IP and password management

Central administration of IPv4 and IPv6 allows you to retain control of addresses, passwords and the assignment of different roles.


The detailed recording of changes made can be used to minimize rework and, if above average, possible gaps in the training of the employees concerned can be identified and eliminated at an early stage.


Due to the documentation of your data center in a central database, current and incomplete Excel and Visio documents of individual employees are rarely superfluous. Users are given the necessary authorization, with each access being documented and, last but not least, ensuring security for the planning.

failure prevention

Simulate the failure of power infrastructure components and their impact on business services.

capacity planning

Identifying trend lines ahead of time when resources such as space, power and cooling in the data center will be exhausted.
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